Pranav Myana, Microgrids, Texas

Pranav Myana, who has been in the industry for a year, is the CEO and founder of Amaterra Tech and lives in Texas.

Why is clean energy important to you? I started my company a year ago, when I went to visit the village my parents were from in India. I'm an American citizen, born and raised, but my ancestry traces back to the village. During the trip, I learned about a tragedy that occurred in the area. This tragedy was sparked by the inability of the government and energy providers to bring energy to my people. This made the primary industry of the town unable to produce goods. This led to hundreds of deaths, including those of my relatives. After I learned about this, I understood just how fundamental energy was to our lives. The next day, I decided to start Amaterra Tech. Our mission is to make sure that what happened to my people could never happen again. We want to bring low-cost, clean energy to every person on earth, regardless of who they are or where they come from.

What’s your proudest accomplishment in clean energy? Partnering with underserved communities to deliver them a microgrid that will enable a comprehensive uplifting of them and their community.

What did you do before entering clean energy? I was a college student.

When were you first introduced to clean energy? Learning about solar panels in elementary school.

What should more people know about your role? How important energy is to all of us.

How does clean energy impact your community? Texas has been experiencing extreme heat waves recently, but clean energy has been able to pick up the slack and allows people to still get energy.

What does clean energy mean to you and your family? It means a way to uplift communities like mine - and hopefully, my community eventually.

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuel jobs? 1/5 deaths worldwide in 2018 were due to pollution from fossil fuels. Clean energy enables jobs that eliminate this source of death.


JD Smith, Solar, Wisconsin


Joy Seitz, Solar, Arizona