Kayla Harris-Haag, Energy Efficiency, North Carolina

Kayla Harris-Haag is Marketing Specialist at DCE Solar & DCE Services and lives in Cornelius, North Carolina. She’s been in the industry for nearly two years.

Why is clean energy important? Clean energy is important to me because it aids in a better future for our kids, their kids, etc. We cannot keep the mindset, "I won't be here when climate change seriously affects the planet." We must be considerate of our future generations and the copious amounts of other land, marine, and plant species that live on this planet too! We are the cause of climate change speeding up, and we must be responsible for mitigating/preparing the earth and its inhabitants for the future.

What’s your proudest accomplishment in clean energy? My proudest accomplishment in clean energy was our company, DCE Services, winning multiple Top Solar Contractor Awards with Solar Power World - We are #17 in Commercial Contractors in the Nation. It wasn't only winning these honors that were impactful for me, but it was collecting the data from 2020 and seeing the positive impact that we had on the environment, despite the global pandemic, that made me happy to be working for such a fantastic company.

What did you do before entering clean energy? I worked in Historic Preservation and Horticulture as a Marketing Strategist.

How did you first get introduced to clean energy? I grew up on the Gulf Coast, so I was always very aware of the Marine Environment and how big industry was so damaging to it. I started volunteering at an early age with Coastal Cleanups. It completely changed my perspective on how important it was to treat our environment with respect and with a mindset of sustainability, not convenience. Then, I married a scientist!

What is something you wish more people knew about your job? It is essential to recognize that promoting clean energy (in my specific case, commercial solar) helps normalize renewable energy. This position in our industry is vital because it helps the American people become more aware of the importance of clean energy and how accessible it is for businesses and individuals to aid in the conversion to a greener, cleaner future!

How does clean energy impact your community? According to SEIA, North Carolina is the 4/10 state for Solar! With over 8,000 MW installed, we are proud to be a part of a state that prioritizes clean energy and even more, I'm proud to be a part of a company that aids in that clean growth!

Why should Congress invest in clean energy? we have to get away from the mindset of here and now. We have to prepare for the future, because countless people, plants, and animals are depending on us!!


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