Rachel Bonas, Solar, Maryland

Why did you decide to go solar? I decided to go solar for two reasons: To help the environment, I have a three-year-old and would like to do my part to leave the earth better for her and to save money. I decided to go with the co-op as I had researched it at least three times prior. About two years before I contacted a local installation company and it was very cost-prohibitive. A year later I got another estimate and the price was not much better. I was about to just not do it when I saw the notice for the information session about the solar co-op in the Rockville Review. I attended the information session. All my questions were answered and a lot of misinformation was corrected. Without hesitation I signed up – I love the honesty and ease of access to individuals to the supply of information.

Has anything surprised you about going solar? How quickly if started paying for itself.

What advice would you give to someone considering going solar? Do your research, those companies that say you can get it for free, and all the other things that sound too good to be true are more times than not, too good to be true.

Anything else you’d like to add? I have to say this was one of the best decisions I have ever made, wish I had done it earlier.

We connected with Rachel through Solar United Neighbors, a national nonprofit that helps people go solar, join together, and fight for their energy rights. If Athey’s story has inspired you to go solar, then check out Solar United Neighbors. Their Solar Help Desk provides free, unbiased support for folks like you.


Page Spring Cellars, Solar, Arizona


The Farm at Still Hollow Spirits, Solar, West Virginia