Worker Wednesday: October 11 and Javier Rúa-Jovet

Wednesday, October 11

WORKER SPOTLIGHT (brought to you by CE4AEF’s Faces of Clean Energy program)

For Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re spotlighting Latino clean energy professionals. This week, it is Javier Rúa-Jovet, a policy analyst expert with SESA. Based in Puerto Rico, Rúa-Jovet has been in clean energy for 5 years.

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuels jobs? “Solar is an industry that saves lives and improves quality of life by abating outages and high power prices. With it, we can improve the health of Puerto Rico and the world.”

How did you first get introduced to clean energy? “It’s critically important we get these policies right, and erase the obstacles, to quickly deploy lifesaving, resilient approaches to clean energy with solar plus storage.”Like a lot of recent hires, I was searching for employment amidst the peak of the pandemic back in late 2020. An interaction on LinkedIn with the CEO of this company sparked my interest in working and advocating for the solar industry. It was great to see, how during one of the worst employment periods in the U.S., the solar industry could continue to recruit and seek talent. I'm glad I found myself here.”

Read more about Fernando at CE4AEF’s Faces of Clean Energy.

NEW FACTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS (Here are social posts to amplify new factories resulting from the president’s Affordable Clean Energy Plan.)

Michigan: Toyota, LG Energy Solution announces $3B investment in West Michigan battery plant

  • [🖱Click to Tweet]
    #Cleanenergy means good US jobs.
    #Cleanenergy means good US jobs.
    #Cleanenergy means good US jobs.
    For example: LG / @ToyotaMotorCorp to invest BILLIONS in #Michigan factory where 1000 workers to build #batteries for #EVs. Click for more ⤵

  • [🖱Click to Tweet]
    1000 #cleanenergy jobs are coming to west Michigan, as international giants like LG and @ToyotaMotorCorp continue to invest in American manufacturing following @POTUS' Affordable #CleanEnergyPlan.
    Click for more ⤵


Clean Energy Spotlight: Fernando Zurita


Worker Wednesday: October 4 and Fernando Zurita