Clean Energy Spotlight: Sarah Slusser

This week’s #cleanenergyspotlight is Sarah Slusser, CEO of Cypress Creek Renewables, a nationwide developer, owner, and operator of solar power and storage projects.

Sarah and her team oversee one of the largest operating #solar portfolios: 2 gigawatts across 13 states.

An accomplished investor, executive, and alumnus of Harvard University and Yale University, Sarah has over 30 years of experience in #energy. She was a senior officer at The AES Corporation. She co-founded a #geothermal startup, GeoGlobal Energy LLC, and she started Point Reyes Energy Partners, where she advises companies on #renewableenergy opportunities.

With so much experience in energy, Sarah is very optimistic about the power of America’s clean energy transition.

“The most revolutionary development is the fact that storage has become economic. This completely changes the game for wind and solar to contribute to the grid. As a person on the front lines of the energy evolution, I think we’re heading there [to becoming 100% renewable energy].” she told Nomura Greentech in an interview.

Congratulations, Sarah, and thank you for your #cleanenergy leadership.


Worker Wednesday: December 6, Meghan Milo


Worker Wednesday: November 29, Sarah Slusser