Clean Energy Spotlight: Miranda Cashman


This week’s #cleanenergyspotlight is Miranda Cashman, Senior Asset Management Coordinator at Solstice, in Cambridge, Massachusetts

At Solstice, Cashman manages a portfolio of solar projects and “advocates for and works with community #solar developer partners, utility partners, and customers.” Supporting the expansion of solar in underserved communities, Cashman is proud to bring “clean energy to low-middle income (LMI) households that are traditionally shut out of the clean energy revolution,” she tells the Faces Of Clean Energy program.

Prior to this, she served as project manager at the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP), helping to develop water systems and climate resiliency. In 2019, Cashman graduated from Columbia University with a Master of Arts in Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Not only does investing in clean energy promote equity, but it “limits the amount of toxic pollutants that can impact air quality and the health of [our most vulnerable] communities.”

Thanks to President Biden's Affordable Clean Energy plan and goal to advance environmental justice “a rising tide lifts all boats,” she told the Faces Of Clean Energy Program.

Congratulations, Miranda, and thank you for working to accelerate the clean energy transition for all communities.


Worker Wednesday: August 16 and Virginia’s Brittney Boyd


Worker Wednesday: August 9 and Massachusetts’ Miranda Cashman