08.16 Good Clean Energy News

Tucson's Public Transit Gets Federal Boost

Tucson, Arizona will receive an $11 million federal grant to make its bus system cleaner. The funds, from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will be used to add trees and green infrastructure to bus stops and update aging machinery. 

Read more: Tucson is getting federal funding to make public transit system more sustainable 

Federal Funding for Low-Income Solar in MA

Massachusetts received a $156 million federal grant to expand solar access for low-income residents. The funds will provide zero-interest loans, financial subsidies, and technical assistance for solar installations in small residential buildings, multi-family housing, and community solar projects. The initiative aims to reduce emissions, lower energy bills, and support the renewable energy market.

Read more: Massachusetts to recharge solar programs for low-income residents with $156M federal grant | Energy News Network

New Smart Panel Tech

It's getting easier and easier for Americans to save with solar panels, as the technology continues to get better and simpler. In places like California, smart panels are getting advanced features like outlet splitters and intelligent power management, which help the panels work more seamlessly with electric appliances and EV chargers.

Read more: Commentary: Smart panel technology may replace need for pricey upgrades | Energy News Network

Stronger grid thanks to Billions from Biden DOE

The U.S. Department of Energy is awarding $2.2 billion for eight transmission and microgrid projects across 18 states to enhance grid resilience and support clean energy goals. These projects will add 1,000 miles of transmission lines and 50,000 megawatts of capacity. Key initiatives include connecting the Eastern and Western grids, supporting offshore wind, and boosting tribal energy security.

Read more: DOE rolls out $2.2B for grid upgrades - E&E News by POLITICO


Reznick, Alisa. "Tucson Is Getting Federal Funding to Make Public Transit System More Sustainable." KJZZ Phoenix, 29 July 2024, https://www.kjzz.org/kjzz-news/2024-07-29/tucson-is-getting-federal-funding-to-make-public-transit-system-more-sustainable

Amarnath, Nish. "US Cities Sharpen Focus on Building Performance Standards to Meet Net-Zero Goals." Utility Dive, 31 July 2024, https://www.utilitydive.com/news/us-cities-building-performance-standards-net-zero-emissions/722522/?utm_medium=email.

Takemura, Alison F. "Battery-Powered Induction Stoves Could Be the Future of Clean Cooking." Canary Media, 31 July 2024, https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/electrification/battery-powered-induction-stoves-could-be-the-future-of-clean-cooking?utm_medium=email.

Shemkus, Sarah. "Massachusetts to Recharge Solar Programs for Low-Income Residents with $156M Federal Grant." Energy News Network, 30 May 2024, https://energynews.us/2024/05/30/massachusetts-to-recharge-solar-programs-for-low-income-residents-with-156m-federal-grant/.

CalNEXT. "Commentary: Smart Panel Technology May Replace Need for Pricey Upgrades." Energy News Network, 29 July 2024, https://energynews.us/2024/07/29/commentary-smart-panel-technology-may-replace-need-for-pricey-upgrades/?utm_medium=email/.

Behr, Peter. "DOE Rolls Out $2.2B for Grid Upgrades." E&E News, 6 August 2024, https://www.eenews.net/articles/doe-rolls-out-2-2b-for-grid-upgrades/.


08.23 Good Clean Energy News


08.09 Good Clean Energy News