05.24 Good Clean Energy News

Fort Kent Powered Entirely by Solar

For the first time, about 11,400 homes and businesses in Fort Kent, Maine, were powered entirely by solar energy for 12 hours last week. This milestone highlights Northern Maine's growing solar capacity due to affordable land and favorable conditions. With 1,780 interconnection requests and 140 megawatts added to the grid, the region is set for more solar-powered days.

Read more: Solar energy alone powered about 11,000 Fort Kent homes and businesses for a brief period last week

Cleveland Port's Electrification Push

The Port of Cleveland is transforming into an "electrification hub" as part of its plan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This initiative, funded by $32 million in grants, includes upgrading electrical infrastructure and adding solar power. The port aims to replace fossil-fuel-powered equipment with electric alternatives, reducing both climate change and air pollution.

Read more: Cleveland port’s ‘electrification hub’ expected to anchor progress toward net-zero emission

Job Growth in Most Impacted U.S. Counties

Early data shows that recent federal policies are spurring job growth in the most climate-impacted U.S. counties. Programs under the Biden administration are contributing to increased employment rates, particularly in manufacturing and high-tech industries.

Read more: Early data shows positive job growth in distressed US counties as new federal policies take effect 

Inflation Reduction Act Creates 100,000+ Jobs

The Inflation Reduction Act has created over 100,000 jobs in the renewable energy sector, according to a new report from e2. Since the act's passage, 305 projects have been announced across 41 states, including six in New Mexico, generating over 2,500 jobs.

Read more: Report: Inflation Reduction Act has led to more than 100,000 new jobs – The Journal

Ames Lab Converts Plastic Waste to Fuel

Ames National Laboratory's team is turning non-recyclable plastic waste into fuels and chemicals using a catalyst-based process. This breakthrough, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, aims to address plastic waste and produce cleaner alternatives to diesel and lubricants. 

Read more: Ames National Laboratory team transforms plastic waste into fuel

Clean Energy Now Over 30% of Global Electricity

Clean energy now accounts for over 30% of global electricity, driven by significant growth in wind and solar power. According to a report by Ember, this surge is helping to curb fossil fuel use, with solar power leading the way.

Read more: Renewable energy passes 30% of world’s electricity supply


Ogrysko, N. (2024, May 10). Solar energy alone powered about 11,000 Fort Kent homes and businesses for a brief period last week. Maine Public. Retrieved from https://www.mainepublic.org/business-and-economy/2024-05-10/solar-energy-alone-powered-about-11-000-fort-kent-homes-and-businesses-for-a-brief-period-last-week?utm_medium=email

Kowalski, K. M. (2024, May 10). Cleveland port’s ‘electrification hub’ expected to anchor progress toward net-zero emission. Energy News Network. Retrieved from https://energynews.us/2024/05/10/cleveland-ports-electrification-hub-expected-to-anchor-progress-toward-net-zero-emissions/?utm_medium=email

Bartik, T. J., Bolter, K., & Huisman, K. (2024, May 9). Early data shows positive job growth in distressed US counties as new federal policies take effect. Brookings. Retrieved from https://www.brookings.edu/articles/early-data-shows-positive-job-growth-in-distressed-us-counties-as-new-federal-policies-take-effect/

Grover, H. (2024, May 10). Report: Inflation Reduction Act has led to more than 100,000 new jobs – The Journal. The Journal. Retrieved from https://www.the-journal.com/articles/report-inflation-reduction-act-has-led-to-more-than-100000-new-jobs/

Draisey, B. (2024, May 8). Ames National Laboratory team transforms plastic waste into fuel. Iowa Capital Dispatch. Retrieved from https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2024/05/08/ames-national-laboratory-team-transforms-plastic-waste-into-fuel/

Ambrose, J. (2024, May 7). Renewable energy passes 30% of world’s electricity supply. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/08/renewable-energy-passes-30-of-worlds-electricity-supply?utm_medium=email


05.31 Good Clean Energy News


05.17 Good Clean Energy News